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Leroy Bohsen

Photo of leroy bohsen

Leroy Bohsen

  • Date of Birth: 2/16/1916
  • Date Deceased: 6/8/1993
  • Last Known Location: Ipswich, MA
  • Degree: Education - Industrial Arts
  • Date Enrolled NSTC: 9/1/1935
  • Date Graduated from NSTC: 6/17/1939
  • Enlistment Date: 1941; 1945
  • Discharge Date: 4/27/1905


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LeRoy Bohsen October 13 1945

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United States Marine Corps Oct. 13, 1945 Dear Miss Thompson: ItUs just about high time I answered that letter you sent to me while in Oklahoma. Alas, to let you know of my new assignment. Yes, IUm out here in that so called state of RSunnyS California! For my money, they can give it back to the Indians P But maybe that is not fair P You see Camp Pendelton is situated amongst the heart of the Sierra Madre Mountains in Southern Calif P Being separated from the Pacific Ocean by mountains, we have the typical desert climate of So. Calif P hot during the day & cold at night P Natives down this way say they are even ashamed of this part of Calif! ItUs supposed to be nice around the Northern part of the state P but I guess IUd rather see that as a civilian someday P Ha! When the Japs quit, I couldnUt see myself continuing with that Jap language school, heck only knows how long IUd have been stuck if I stayed on there P so I asked for a release and a transfer back to the East Coast. Well, you see what happened! I was sent out here to the West Coast to work in the discharge outfit P WeUve only been operating now about a month and are now discharging an average of 100 men a day, ultimately we plan on 200 per day P ItUs all quite a headache with the usual military way of doing things P it just wouldnUt be right if there werenUt 5 men assigned to do the work of one! Things donUt look too rosy for me yet P I have a classification as an administrative clerk and because Washington says we are of military necessity IUm stuck P Probably until next April or May, I guess P You see, there arenUt enough people in military circles that think teachers should go back to their jobs unless they have enough points, etc P IUve only got a total of 29 points for my 29 months of service up to September 1st P Points donUt accumulate anymore you see after that day. Oh well P My sister says that Wally Cloves was up around NSTC awhile ago and expects to get out soon. Wonder how that is. He went into uniform after I did P But then when us Industrialists used to call him RPopS perhaps we werenUt far from cursing (sp?) P he may be over 35! Ha P But enough for this time P Remember me to all at NSTC! Sincerely, LeRoy My new address: T Sgt. LeRoy A. Bohsen, USMCR Hq Co. Sep Bn, Redist RegUt (Prov) MJ & RC SOA Camp J. H. Pendleton Oceanside, Calif.

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