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Paul Fernandez

Photo of paul fernandez

Paul Fernandez

  • Date of Birth: 3/4/1922
  • Degree: Education - General Elementary
  • Date Enrolled NSTC: 9/1/1940
  • Date Left NSTC: 5/14/1943
  • Reason: Military Service
  • Date Returned to NSTC: 1/1/1946
  • Date Graduated from NSTC: 6/14/1946
  • Enlistment Date: 5/15/1943


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Paul Fernandez Jr Chanute Field Illinois No Date

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Dear Miss Thompson,

Here I am at Chamute Field waiting to start a course in weather observing.

I am sorry to say that no one from our fair college is here to keep me company, but Ifm sure wefll all meet once again after victory is attained.

This camp is a massive place with all types of schools busily teaching soldiers some specialized field of work. Why the place is so large that person can easily become lost within the field limits itself.

I left Atlantic City last Thursday and came all the way by pullman, the trip was very intersting and enjoyable. Why as I passed through Pittsburgh and saw the giant steel mills and then later passed through Indiana and caught a glimpse of the large corn field, the clock turned back and I visualized myself in Miss Barkerfs geography class, and her describing the corn belt area which included Indiana. Those first hand experiences will always be cherished by yours truly.

I guess by now all the college fellows are split up, and letters will be sent to you fast and furious, for you are our connecting link.

I would appreciate it very much Miss Thompson if and when you get a majority of the fellows and their known destination, you would let me know, for I would like to keep in touch with them, so that I can keep that college spirit, spiritually at least.

Well thatfs all for now, Ifll write more later as I progress along.

Please give my regards to the whole faculty, and of course to you, who is doing a wonderful job in keeping us posted on school news and keeping us bonded together.

Sincerely yours,

Paul Fernandez, Jr.

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